Spodumene is a mineral that contains two important gem varieties: pink Kunzite and green Hiddenite. Both of these gemstone varieties have their own dedicated page. In the gem trade, the term Spodumene is generally used to include only the yellow, brownish, light greenish, and colorless forms of Spodumene.
Chemical Formula |
LiAlSi2O6 |
Color |
White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray, Multicolored |
Hardness |
6.5 - 7 |
Crystal System |
Monoclinic |
Refractive Index |
1.66 - 1.68 |
SG |
3.1 - 3.2 |
Transparency |
Transparent |
Double Refraction |
.015 |
Luster |
Vitreous |
Cleavage |
1,2 - prismatic |
Mineral Class |
Spodumene |
Most gemstones labeled as Spodumene are of the yellow type; brown and colorless gems are seldom faceted. A rarity is the faint blue to bluish-green variety, as well as multicolored forms.
In a strict sense,
the term Hiddenite refers specifically to the green, transparent
Spodumene variety originating in Alexander Co., North Carolina, whereas all other green Spodumene is known simply as "Green Spodumene". However,
the name Hiddenite has been corrupted by the gem and mineral industry to
include all green gem Spodumene from other localities. Chromium
impurities are responsible for the green color in North Carolina
Hiddenite; the other localities generally produce lighter colored and
more yellowish in tone, and lack the chromium.
perfect cleavage and splintery fracture of Spodumene gemstones make them
difficult to facet. They are very sensitive to knocks and
chip if hit too hard. Spodumene is also strongly pleochroic, showing
lighter and more intense coloring when viewed at different angles. Brown Spodumene is sometimes heat treated to transform the color into a more pink tone and produce Kunzite.
With the exception of Kunzite and Hiddenite, other color forms of Spodumene are not commonly used as gems. However, the yellow form has started gaining a bit in popularity is is faceted into gemstone cuts. Other color forms are seldom faceted.
- Green chromium-rich transparent variety of Spodumene. Originally
used only to describe green Spodumene from the Hiddenite area in
North Carolina, this term is commonly also used referencing other green
forms from Afghanistan and Brazil.
- Pink to violet transparent variety of Spodumene.
- Colorless to yellow transparent variety of Spodumene.
Some forms of Kunzite may be heat treated to remove undesirable brownish tints and increase transparency.
The main source of gem-quality Spodumene is Afghanistan; other sources are Pakistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, and the U.S. (California, and Maine).
Yellow Spodumene resembles yellow Beryl and ,but is lighter in hardness. It also can be similar to yellow Topaz and yellow Citrine ("Lemon Quartz"), but is usually lighter in tone and slightly softer.
Images of Kunzite and Hiddenite are listed separately on their own dedicated page.
Images of Kunzite and Hiddenite are listed separately on their own dedicated page.
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