Pyramidal White Witherite Crystal
Pyramidal White Witherite Crystal from Fallowfield Mine, Hexham, Northumberland, England
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Arguably, the world's finest Witherites come from Northern England. This fine example hosts a robust and well-formed 6.5 cm long, translucent, milky-white crystal. It is unusual to find such well-preserved, finely displayable Witherite crystals standing straight up. Also, most have inclusions that make them gray, beige, or offcolor. This is a ghostly and pure white, very dramatic! Minor white Alstonite is at the base of the specimen. Ex. USNHM (Smithsonian) collection and ex Ralph Sutcliffe colllection in 1991; label included. It is illustrated in the book, Minerals of Northern England, shown on page 99. A significant and displayable specimen. Ex. Lindsay Greenbank. Joe Budd photo.
Locality Fallowfield Mine, Hexham, Northumberland, England
Dimensions 6.7 x 4.8 x 3.5 cm
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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