Phosgenite Crystal Cluster
Phosgenite Crystal Cluster from Monteponi, Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Unlike most Phosgenites from this important old lead mining district, this one is both beautifully arranged, and sparkly. Thick, tabular, glassy and gemmy, light champagne-colored Phosgenite crystals, to 5 cm across, are sculpturally emplaced on a just bit of matrix. They shoot off it like wings. It is nearly pristine, though not quite 100% so; acceptable for a mineral that is probably 100 years old and more. The Monteponi Mine has arguably produced the finest Phosgenite crystals ever found, and this is a more-than-representative specimen that actually id displayable and aesthetic. Ex. Giancarlo Fioravanti collection, and he obtained it in 1970 from older collections in Italy.
Locality Monteponi, Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy
Dimensions 6.0 x 5.3 x 4.2 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph Photo

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