Thick Tabular Hematite with Rutile
Thick Tabular Hematite with Rutile from Cavradi Gorge, Curnera Valley, Tujetsch, Vorderrhein Valley, Grischun, Switzerland
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Cavradi Hematites are a classic, treasured by the strahlers who find them in alpine mountain clefts. This is a superb miniature of excellent quality. It features a 3-dimensional 2.7-cm crystal , freestanding and fully exposed, on contrasting white matrix of feldspar. The crystal has fat beveled terminations, not the thin blades you often see. It is accented by small, bright red Rutile crystals which grow on the surface and serve to highlight the incredible metallic luster around them. And, lastly, the back of the crystal is freestanding above the matrix and is half-exposed above the matrix. From a private European collector specializing in Swiss classics.
Locality Cavradi Gorge, Curnera Valley, Tujetsch, Vorderrhein Valley, Grischun, Switzerland
Dimensions 3.5 x 3.2 x 2.6 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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