Intergrown Bronze Pyrrhotite Crystals
Intergrown Bronze Pyrrhotite Crystals from Blue Bell Mine, Riondel, Slocan Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description The Blue Bell Mine of British Columbia was a major lead-zinc producer in the province until its closing in 1971. There have been some Pyromorphite from here but this is an unusual Pyrrhotite from the locality. This rare and very fine specimen features two intergrown, stacked clusters of lustrous, bronzy-brown, pseudohexagonal plates of Pyrrhotite. This choice piece probably dates to the late 1950s to early 1960s. Ex. Dennis Mullane Collection.
Locality Blue Bell Mine, Riondel, Slocan Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada
Dimensions 4.1 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.
Specimen Grade None
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