Laumontite on Quartz Casts
Laumontite on Quartz Casts from Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Collection Hershel Friedman
Description Quartz casts after {Anhydrite%}, some with hollow rectangular tubes where the anhydrite was, coating with bright white Laumontite crystals. This specimen exhibits a very aesthetic combination that doesn't get properly captured in the photo. Laumontite from this locality is usually unstable and crumbles; this specimen seems to have been stabilized as the laumontite crystals are hardy. Ex John Geiges Collection, ex Brad Plotkin collection, ex Eric Stanchich collection #238. Acquired from Eric Stanchich in 2015. Hershel Friedman collection and photo.
Locality Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Dimensions 9.0 x 7.5 x 7.0 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Hershel Friedman

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