Small Tetrahedrite Crystals with Quartz
Small Tetrahedrite Crystals with Quartz from Bingham District (West Mountain District), Oquirrh Mts, Tooele Co., Utah, USA
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description The defunct Bingham open pit, a huge disseminated deposit, was never known for crystallized specimens. Therefore, this specimen of bright, dark gray, Tetrahedrite crystals, to .3 cm across, nestled among colorless, lustrous, translucent Quartz crystals, to .7 cm in length, is a rare specimen.
Locality Bingham District (West Mountain District), Oquirrh Mts, Tooele Co., Utah, USA
Dimensions 4.0 x 2.8 x 2.2 cm.
Specimen Grade B
Photograph Photo

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