Iodargyrite with Cuprite Crystals
Iodargyrite with Cuprite Crystals from Poteryaevskoe Mine, Rubtsovskoe, Rudnyi Altai, Western-Siberian Region, Russia
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description A sharp and sparkling, lustrous cluster of intergrown, octahedral dark red Cuprite crystals, to 1.1 cm. An interesting occurrence of lustrous, lemon yellow, clusters of microcrystallized Iodargyrite can be found in tiny vugs on the back side of this specimen (highly unusual).
Locality Poteryaevskoe Mine, Rubtsovskoe, Rudnyi Altai, Western-Siberian Region, Russia
Dimensions 4.5 x 3.8 x 3.1 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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