Richly Colored Iodargyrite
Richly Colored Iodargyrite from Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description An impressively rich, colorful specimen of this very rare silver species, from the classic and best locality of old Broken Hill. It was formerly in the Don Belsher collection, and he got it from Walt Lidstrom in 1984. Iodorgyrite is the rarest of the group of related silver chlorides from Broken Hill, and the hardest to obtain today in good crystals. These were mined in the 1940s mostly (with perhaps a trickle coming out later in the 60's). This specimen has extremely sharp, well-formed crystals and they are translucent yellow and attractive, with good luster. The specks on top seem to be minute crystals of the related species Chlorargyrite.
Locality Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Dimensions 4.6 x 4.2 x 3.1 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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