Thick and Elongated Jamesonite Crystals
Thick and Elongated Jamesonite Crystals from Noche Buena, Mun. de Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Zacatecas is a classical locality for fine Jamesonite specimens, including this one. It features matte black, thick and elongated crystals up to 3 cm in length. In addition, there are well placed bright, lustrous Pyrite crystals. In recent years there has been a paucity of this great sulfosalt mineral. This locality still ranks among the best for species, because of the thickness and sturdiness of the crystals which normally occur simply as a jumble of acicular needles from other places. Very rare in this quality!
Locality Noche Buena, Mun. de Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico
Dimensions 6.8 x 6 x 4.8 cm.
Specimen Grade B
Photograph Photo

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