Fluor-uvite in Marble Matrix
Fluor-uvite in Marble Matrix from Sterling Hill Mine Parking Lot, Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey
Collection Hershel Friedman
Description Brown Fluor-uvite crystal in a marble matrix. Fluor-uvite is the common tourmaline from this locality, though it is usually greenish, not brown like this piece. This specimen was found, interestingly enough, in the parking lot gravel of the Sterling Hill Mine/Museum by Herman Friedman on April 28, 2013. Collection of Hershel Friedman.
Locality Sterling Hill Mine Parking Lot, Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey
Dimensions 4.5 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm.
Specimen Grade B
Photograph © Hershel Friedman - All Rights Reserved.

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