Intergrown Cubic Boracite Crystal
Intergrown Cubic Boracite Crystal from Grona Mine, Bernburg, Stassfurt Potash Deposit, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Lustrous and translucent, these dark, gray-green Boracite crystals, measuring up to 0.9 cm, form a very nice cluster. Actually attractive in their own way, it is not a"rare ugly." The Boracites have sharply beveled edges and modified corners, and are interpenetrating. This is a classic, textbook example of this rare species with crystals of large size, combining to make a competitive-level thumbnail specimen.
Locality Grona Mine, Bernburg, Stassfurt Potash Deposit, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm.
Specimen Grade C
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